Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Welcome to AVR's Sentient Sentiments II

Good Morning and Welcome to my new blog site for AVR’s Sentient Sentiments.   My urls  (www.wordartiste.com and www.wordartiste-avr.com ) are now pointing to this site as Posterous has officially shut down.

I intend to continue to voice my views and share my creativity with you as I did on Posterous.  I hope you will bear with me as I learn to navigate the nuances of this site and that you will continue to follow me here.  Please feel free to leave your comments.

Also, I will do my best to incorporate more bilingual English/Czech posts at the urging of my very large family and friends in the Czech Republic.  To that end, I am slowly (very slowly) translating my poems into Czech – not as easy as it might seem to be.

I am looking forward to continuing a dialogue with you (my existing friends) and with new friends I hope to gain along the way.   

So I say welcome, sit down and have a cup of coffee or tea with me as I open my mind, heart and soul to you.

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