Thursday, February 20, 2014

I Am a Ukrainian video

We must stand up for freedom!

Sharing this video - my grandfather was Ukranian.  Sadly he died when my mother was little and we don't know much about his family.  He had come to Czechoslovakia to escape the violence in the Ukraine and my mother thinks his family may have been totally wiped out.  Sometimes, I wish I knew more about my Ukrainian heritage. 

Friday, February 14, 2014

Audio Valentine

Sharing my audio version of 'Valentine' from the "Intimately Yours" cd with Chuck Berglund's soundscape with you on this Valentine's Day 2014:

Happy Valentine's Day

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day

My Valentine's Day gift to you...

photo by AVR
Sweet romantic
Stuffed teddy bears

Dance with white-hot
Chocolate ribbons

Love flowers in
Crystal vases

Tissue paper
Pink and gold hearts

Branded not by
Cupid’s arrow

But kisses from
Red satin lips

© Alice Vedral Rivera - 2007

Friday, February 7, 2014

Saturday, February 1, 2014

White Out

With all the snow and freezing temperatures, this just seems fitting.  Some of you may wonder why I post audios of my poems to which I give you my favorite quote: 

"To read a poem is to hear it with our eyes to hear it is to see it with our ears."
Octavio Paz

Sharing, 'White Out' - I was trying to recreate the disorientation felt in the middle of white out conditions.

photo by AVR

White Out

Tangled in the
light of snow

The glare of shrill
ice lamina
promptly blinds

The silent roar
of an absent
wind deafens

As you drown in
the emptiness of
vacant space

© Alice Vedral Rivera - 2007