Friday, August 30, 2013

A Cry in the Wilderness - Exoteric Descent into Iniquity

Today I am sharing some social/political commentary - this poem is in the 'Visions' section of "Shadows on the Carpet".  A Cry in the Wilderness - pointing out what is going on.  Wake Up!  It is still not too late to turn things around.  Just saying....

For audio version with Chuck Berglund's soundscape click here

Exoteric Descent into Iniquity

Good manners and common sense
Are trashed as ineffective
photo art by AVR © 2013
Measures of controlled control

Replaced by political
Correctness masquerading
As concern or compassion

Inappropriate response
Touted as the ultimate
Non-empathic tool du jour

Un-emotive expression
Obtuse communication
Belie clandestine contempt

Synthetic salaciousness
Valid malapropisms
Conditioned complacency

Preclude imperceptible
Declining - descent into
Death of human decency

© Alice Vedral Rivera - 2006

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

English/Czech - Midnight Sky/Noc v Ražicích

This week's English/Czech posting was written (and translated)  in the Czech Republic in 2007.  Inspired by the moon, I wrote this poem.

Midnight Sky

photo by AVR
Broken moon fragment
Fallen cracked edge of
Shining smooth saucer
Spilling the curdled
Soup of illusion
Into the sieve of life

© Alice Vedral Rivera – 2007 – Czech Republic

Noc v Ražicích

Rozbitý kus měsíce
Spadlý křehký okraj
hebkého svítícího talíře
Rozlévá sraženou
zárodeční hmotu iluze
do cedníku života…

© Alice Vedral Rivera – 2007- Czech Republic

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Shadows on the Carpet - Clarity

Clarity is the 9th and final section of "Shadows on the Carpet".  The journey has taken us from the darkness to the light. Today I am sharing the poem 'Clarity'.

photo by AVR


See the silence in your mind
Hear the colors of your heart
Be still and travel far

Search wide to find the
Treasure that is truth
As colored sands of time flow

Like rivers into eternity
And in this moment
Creation is our only reality

© Alice Vedral Rivera 3/17/12

Friday, August 9, 2013

English/Czech - Purification/Očištění

The 5th and last ekphrastic poem in the series of poems inspired by the abstract art of Ivan Pavlíček:

original art by Ivan Pavlíček

Flames engulf
Our hearts in
Blazing bright
Red intense
Crimson shades
Of scarlet

The fire
Burns and turns
Scar tissue
Into hot
Embers of
Pure love mixed
With passion

© Alice Vedral Rivera – 1/24/2013   2:00pm

Poslední  v sérii ekfrastických básní inspirovaných abstraktní malbou Ivana Pavlíčka:


Plameny zachvátí
naše srdce ve zářícím ohni
ostře červené tóny karmínové
a šarlatové touhy

Oheň pálí
a mění naše jizvy
v žhavý uhel uhnětený 
z čisté lásky a vášně

© Alice Vedral Rivera