Sunday, September 29, 2013

Stíny na koberci

Czech version of Shadows on the Carpet that was posted in May before I had translated it into Czech.
Snad se Vám bude líbit tahle báseň.  Anglická verze byla uveřejněná v květnu nežli jsem jí přeložila.

photo by AVR

Stíny na koberci

Přechodné odstíny melancholie
Matné mraky černého inkoustu
ze zoufalé minulosti
prosakují moji budoucnost
a barví tvar přítomnosti 
Přitom co mřížované stíny
jednotvárného trápení z mého života
mizí – a zase se objevují tvoříce hrozivé
stíny na koberci -
okna do temnoty

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Autumn - Besieged, Bewildered and Bewitched

I have been busy so I hadn't had time to post for a while. Today I would like to share a poem about my favorite season - Autumn.

Besieged, Bewildered and Bewitched

I taste woodsy
Smells of autumn
photo by AVR
Mixed within his
Sublime essence

Stand in the black
Light of his dance
Consummate lust
Driven tango

Touch the sound of
His breath breeze past
Hot open wounds
Taken hostage

See melodies
In eyes that pierce
Drench us in sweat
Leave me moon struck

Hear fine wine tease
My tongue - caress
Soft curves, valleys
Body and soul

Feel image
Time locked spirit
Love aura orbs
Arrest my heart

© Alice Vedral Rivera - 2009

Saturday, September 7, 2013


End your summer on a high ‘note’ with Druha Trava.  Yes, this world famous Czech bluegrass band is visiting us again.  This time they will be joined by an awesome local bluegrass band, Dog1, who have graciously agreed to open for them.

When:             Friday, September 20, 2013
Where:            Klas Restaurant, 5734 W. Cermak Rd. Cicero, IL 60804
Time:               8:00 PM
Cover:             $15

Bea Flaming has asked me to assist again so I look forward to seeing you there!  

Thursday, September 5, 2013

English/Czech - My City/ Moje město

Another poem about my favorite city - Prague.  This one was written last year and I finally am happy with my translation into Czech.  I hope you enjoy it.  Snad se Vám bude líbit i v češtině.

My City

Walking her streets
photo by AVR
I feel that Prague
Is my city
An outsider
I know her well
In her grandeur
I am grounded
In her beauty
I’m exalted
I am at peace
For I am home

© Alice Vedral Rivera – 9/19/12 cz

Moje město

Chodíc ulicemi
cítím že Praha
je moje město
Žijíc mimo
znám ji dobře
Z jejího majestátu
jsem jako k zemi přibitá
Z její nádhery
jako k nebi v znesená
Cítím klid
jsem doma

© Alice Vedral Rivera – 9/19/12 cz